ARC2017 Stow Task Trial on Real WorldΒΆ

Stow task trial on real world for ARC2017 can be done on baxter@baxter-c1.

  • Prepare json.

  • Set objects in Tote.

# Launch nodes to control robot.
baxter@baxter-c1 $ roslaunch jsk_arc2017_baxter baxter.launch pick:=false

# Launch nodes in recognition pipeline for stow task.
baxter@baxter-c1 $ roslaunch jsk_arc2017_baxter setup_for_stow.launch

# Run task!
baxter@baxter-c1 $ roslaunch jsk_arc2017_baxter stow.launch json_dir:=$(rospack find jsk_arc2017_common)/data/json/sample_stow_task